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Many Lives, Many Teachers.
(Brian Weiss)

Traditional therapeutic methods, built the framework for with treatments under hypnosis; for the profit of a regression to last lives... Under this form Brian Weiss, from psychiatry it includes/understands; in his first ways, the importance of the use of this method: for the detection, diagnosis and cures, of psychiatric diseases and upheavals. Life after the death... lives last and reincarnations; they are intermingled in this interesting book; that it makes reflect to the reader, on intangible aspects... the mind; the soul. The changes paradigmáticos, difficult to work under these aspects, complican, still more, the incursions of Psychiatry on this subject. As well as the lack of scientific information that it guarantees. the effectiveness of the results. Nevertheless, the stories that the author narrates; the experiences with recovered patients, of that small line between the disease and the psychiatric health; they make think about the accurate possibility of a different perspective on the parapsicología and, specially on the life before arriving at this World and, after the death. Phobias and attacks of panic of a woman, whose real identity is not revealed, are written with a depth and sapiencia on the subject not very often read by the reader. Alternative therapies forehead to fear and last experiences: the relation of this woman with men with addictive problems; its problematic ones of anxiety; they are related with a deep and surprising perception on the human mind, and in the case of this book, its soul. Painful and repressed memories, that, when arising to the conscientious one manage in gradual form to unwind the life of people like Catherine, under the power of the hypnosis. Its evocaciones beyond its childhood; in his passed lives, they will surely give the key for slow but a way towards the recovery. A difficult footpath, entering lands unknown by the man... a footpath worthy to cross by its high content of narrative quality and, specially to journey, by those people, lovers to discover truths in the stranger. Many Lives, many Teachers... a text to consider.

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