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Golgotha:the Place Of A Skull
(Daljit Khankhana)

Golgotha: The name Golgotha means, ?the place of a skull, is derived from the Aramaic language spoken in the part of Palestine.
Golgotha: outside the walls of old city of Jerusalem in Israel.
Golgotha: In New testament, the place where Lord Jesus was crucified.
When Lord Jesus was brought to Pontius Pilate A Roman Governor, he nothing found to support the charge and offered to release Lord Jesus but the chief priest (A role of a religion) and elders (A role of responsible) provoked the public (used innocents for their greed) to demand Lord Jesus?s death.
Lord Jesus was dressed in a scarlet cloak and beaten by the roman soldiers and crowned with thorns to mock him as,? King of the Jews, and forced top carry his own cross through the streets to Jerusalem to Golgotha.
Calvary, the word represents to calvaria in the Latin translation of Golgotha.Golgotha also known an ancient story,? Adam?s skull was buried there.

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- The New Testament (the New Testament)

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