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Feet Of Clay
(Terry Pratchett)

"In Ankh-Morpork . . . spring was nudged aside by summer, and summer was prodded in the back by autumn."
Welcome back to Discworld! This is Terry Pratchett's nineteenth book of the popular series and the third involving the City Watch of Ankh-Morpork. It sees the return of familiar characters, the ever cynical Sam Vimes (now Commander of the Watch), the simple but likeable Carrot (now a captain of the Watch), the sturdy Fred Colon (still a sergeant) and Nobby Nobbs (still technically human). There is also the addition of characters introduced in 'Men at Arms', such as Angua the werewolf and the troll, Detritus. As the Watch expands even further we meet a host of new characters, all of them probably capable of filling whole books of their own.
The plot revolves around a series of murders and the poisoning of the Patrician, Lord Vetinari. The question bombarding Commander Vimes isn't so much who or why but how. Before long he is knee deep in a mystery that just isn't keen on being solved. And there appears to be something not quite right about Nobby's ancestry . . .
In this book, we are introduced to a new species (sort of); golems, who are not exactly alive (but we should be used to this in Discworld by now) and who are puzzling enough on their own. Sergeant Colon is on the verge of retiring and Angua is preparing to leave but she'll just maybe put it off until tomorrow.
With the usual abundance of colourful characters and an intriging plot, you can't help but get swept along by Mr Pratchett's world, like a crazy Middle-earth. There is an accompaniment of laugh out loud humour along with moments of suspense, often with a wink and a nod at our own not-so-perfect universe.
If you like Discworld, in particular Ankh-Morpork, then I highly recommend. If not, well, I recommend it anyway. It'll take your mind off things if nothing else.

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