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(Jane Austen)

DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE? So much has been written about this novel. One of Austen's finest! It's about a girl called Emma...she loves to meddle in other people's love lives. Sound familiar? It should do; many a chick-flick have been inspired by this amazing novel, set in 19th Century England. It's essentially a love story. Austen rarely attempts anything deep, other than to make a comment on social class in England, and Emma is no exception.Emma is spoilt by her father, rich, adored by society and doted upon by her rather silly friends. But there's always someone in Austen's novels who does attempt to correct the seemingly perfect-and lo and behold; love blossoms and Emma experiences turmoil for the first time in her life. There's something of Taming of the Shrew in this one...the way Kate submisses to the only one who dares to stand up to her. But if Austen chooses to take her inspiration from Shakespeare, who can blame her? He is one of the best! This novel is an entertaining, relaxing summer read. It makes the reader go aaaahhh! It makes us believe that love can happen to all of us and can be right under our noses. And the best part is, it's considerably better written than any modern equivalent. Go Jane! Go!

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- Emma

- Emma

- Emma

- Emma

- Emma

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