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(Stephen King)

King revisits the setting of his previous nightmares, It and Insomnia, in this extraterristrial masterpiece that blends the story of four high school friends, woven together and given a special strength through their connection with a Down syndrome patient, and using that unique power to survive an alien invasion that ensues decades later. Beaver, Pete, Jonesy, and Henry initially were good friends, but their relationship intensifies a hundred fold when they encounter a mental needs child named Diddums being savagely, brutally beaten by bullies. They manage to save him, and soon discover that Diddums possesses a very wonderous energy that magnifies the already tenacious abilities of the four kids to supernatural extremities. This is a most useful development, for thirty years later, the boys that have long since grown into men, use these special techniques to help save the precious bits of humanity they can save from a hostile extraterrestrial attack. The aliens are a cancer, letting themselves be annihilated by the military only to fester with renewed vitality from their powdery remains. They cannot survive the cold however, so a diabolical scheme is unleashed as one of their members siezes the body of Jonesy, intending to control the human frame so that it can deliver fertile infants of the alien's kind into a major water supply. To the imposter's astonishment, Jonesy's consciousness is not eradicated as it should've been, due to his paranormal strength, and thus his friends, sensing his catastrophical situation, set out to save him as he battles "Mr. Gray" for possession of his body. The novel climatically continues to build on countless elements as it concludes, with an ending so explosive, it ensures that it will remain a part of the reader's memory forever.

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