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Gods, Rockets And Land - Tests Of Daniken
(Erich von Daniken)

Giving continuity to the success of ?THEY WERE the DEUSES ASTRONAUTS? ?, the together author more facts to prove its theory. The thesis of Erich von Daniken is based where the extraterrestrial ones had improved the hominídeos according to ?its proper image?. By this reason we are seemed them, not they with us. The visits in the land of beings foreign, originating cosmo, had been registered and had been transmitted to the pósteros in the cults, myths and in folclóricas legends - in some part they had deposited the indications of its presence between us. Initially the author starts to defend its theory against its critics, through a description of the proven deceits of science and of its proper evolution citing Nicholas Copérnico, Johannes Kepler, Giordano Bruno, Galileo Galilei, Otto von Gueriche, Johann Philipp Reis, Robert Mayer, Gregor Johann Mendel, white Thomas Edison, Antoine Laurent Lavoiser among others. In the sequence the author starts to speak of the ?Cosmic Dimensions?, speaking of projects that aim at the contact with extraterestre, as interstellar flights, launching of sounding leads not-manned to the interstellar space, interstellar radiocontato, Cyclops Project (NASA). He makes an interview with Prof. Edgar Luscher, physicist of the University of Munique, Germany, on the dilatação of the time and with Prof. Dr. Harry º Ruppe, engineer of Space Flight, also of the University of Munique on the possibilities to win the distances interstellar. Most important of this book he starts in the third chapter: ?The myths are news articles?, where the author starts to describe curious and impressive facts. The first curious fact was on the black indians dogons, that they inhabit in tribes of plannalto of Bandiagara and the Hombori Mounts, Mali, Africa Occidental person, that possess a complex and intricate mythology highly, establishing an inexplicable relationship with the stars. They know details of the stars Syria and Syria B has milênios. Only in 1834, the German astronomer Friedrich Bessel recognized the Syria star. Therefore, as the indians dogons practically know sizes details of these stars without no type of equipment and being these invisible stars? African mythology in very speaks of deuses flying, of the origin of the land, the sky. In the Kenya, estepes of the masais and Lago enters Rodolfo, deferred payment the tribe of the mandis, with suks, its next relatives. Its supreme head the holy ghost calls Tororut. It inhabited in the sky, was similar to the men, had a pair of wing; to he beats it produced them rays and when revolutear he provoked them thunder. In a writing Assyrian, a ticket on Ezequiel: ..... she had a similarity of sapphire throne and on this similarity of throne she had a similarity of hom, in seated. E vi as a species of a shining metal, as the aspect of the fire, in the interior and return of it. Of its waist for top and its low waist for vi as fire that shone around ..... In the Japanese xitoismo it has the Kujiki book that tells the history of the events in the primórdios of the times. The accepted theory today of the ?Biguae-Bangue? for origin of the universe, possesss similar description to this in the Kujiki book, described the thousand of years: ?..... In the very remote times, how much the sky and the land not yet were moved away one from the other and feminine and the masculine still was separate, they had formed a chaos, equal to a hen egg and its chaotic mass locked up an embryo. What it had of pure and clearly in this mass, was adelgaçou and extended to form the sky; weighed and disturbance it was as residue, to form the Land.? In the room chapter, ?deuses was corporeal?, the author decided to prove its theories with texts of old writings of the five continents (?Book of Deceased? egípicio, the Rig Hindu Prohibition, the ?Book of the Creation?, the Persian sacred books ?Avestas?), which mine deuses had according to acted in this our Land in a sufficientlysubstantial, active and skillful way.

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