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Strange Pilgrims
(Gabriel García Márquez)

The book is a colection of tales written by Gabriel García Márquez (Gabo) along 18 years. 18 years in which those stories were written, re-written, improved, adapted and other weren't that "lucky" and were discarded by the author. From all of them, 12 tales were left that constitute this fantastic book. It is set by the tales: "The Saint", "The Sleeping Beauty Airplane", "Have a good trip", "Mr. President", "I rent myself to dream", "I just came to phone", "August's Ghosts", "Maria dos Prazeres", "17 Poisoned Englishmen", "Transmontain", "Mrs Forbes Happy Summer", "The Light is like Water" and "Your Blood's Trail on the Snow". These are tales that have in commun stories of latin-americans who live in Europe. And from there, Gabo describes all the adventures and misfortunes that those characters live in different Europe countries' cold and hostile environments. And to tell those stories, Gabo makes use of his so complemented and commented "fantastic realism" and offers us with incredible descriptions of the environments, of the characters' personality, of the situations lived by them, of the scents, etc. They are narratives actually involving they really don't seem like tales for passing the impression of being bigger stories. But no, the tales that could of have 250 pages, fit in 25, with no damage to the narrative and without tiring the reader. And that happens, in part, by the very well used "fantastic realism" by him in this book and by the journalistic toned narratives. It is, without a doubt, one of this author's best books, so fantastic as its realism. Together with "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "Love in the time of Cholera" - considered his masterpieces - it is a book that should be read and re-read. Always!

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