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Black Salt-natural Gift
(Daljit Khankhana)

Is mouth smell a problem? Don't worry, trust me, I was also suffering few years ago. I have my tested formula that can secure your teeth. I was also suffering for toothache but as long as I used this one, I never touched any tooth paste. It is very simple and very cheap. My father was Ayurvedic Vaid, (Hakim- A herbal specialist). When a person stop to care for his food or its not properly digested, sometimes acid problem disturbs you. Sometimes very simple method can satisfy you. It is very simple idea to satiate you. If you have black salt (Dried ground rock salt) put it own your palm and your finger to massage on your teeth and clean them with clear water.Then you shall see the result.
You shall be also delighted as I.You be able to eat iron. Teeth become solid and clear also it helps to remove bad smell around you. You can save your money and life. When you come to see me next time. Please share your experience. How did you feel about me?

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