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They Were The Deuses Astronauts?
(Erich von Daniken)

Book of great success in the whole world in the end of the 60 decade of and all decade of 70, writing in diverse languages. To write this book, the author needed to mobilize a great courage, that was and will be equally indispensable so that somebody reads it. The theories and tests, that it contains, are not adjusted to traditional Archaeology, so laborious developed and so solidamente cemented. The specialists of the diverse branches had not taken it the serious one and it the medias ridicularizaram in all. The laypeople will have to prefer to encourage themselves in its familiar world when to verify that the discovery of the past involves greaters mysteries and requires more audacity that a antevisão of the future. But with certainty, the open minds not to judge the truths as absolute, will have to be become involved very with this book, therefore, according to author demonstrates in the book: he has something made a mistake in the distant past, that dista of us thousand and millions of years. The book initiates with the following questioning: It has other intelligent beings in the Cosmo? It will be permissible that we inhabitants of this world of century XX, we are not the only alive being, of similar species, in all the universe? Our historical past was recomposto by means of knowledge indirectly gotten: Geographic maps of 11.000 years of age? Prehistoric airports? Tracks of landing for deuses? The mythology of the sumérios. Bones that do not proceed from monkeys. He will be that all the tracers of the antiquity had tique the same? They received our ancestral visits from the cosmic space? Are based on false premises certain parts of archaeology? Would be astronauts deuses? The Bible is full of mysteries and contradictions. The Gênese, for example, starts with the creation of the Land, that is counted with absolute geologic precision. Of where, however, wise person the cronista that the minerals had preceded ace plants and the plants the animals? Old legends and Imagination, or old facts? Had all the cronistas the same maniac imagination? Celestial cars? Explosions of bombs H in the antiquity? Prehistoric wonders of the antiquity or ?space-ports?? Of that the old egípicios lived? Was Quéops an imposter? Why the pyramids are there where are? The Island of Passover - the Land of man-Bird. They would have deuses abandoned the giants in the Passover island? Who was the white god? The mysteries of the South America and other singularidades. Cities of jângal constructed on the basis of calendars. Migration of the peoples as family excursion? Why the astroroofs are round?

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