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Literature Is A Amature

Literature is a Amature
People who give importance for literature are not treated well in today?s society. A poet or a story writer, is not adored by others. He is not appreciated for his fabulous creativity. He as a whole ,is not given any proper regegnetion. So unlimited source of a person is a mear wastage. All these mainly falls on the hands of these students and their parents .Students right from their schooling should be taught to think, create and write. Parents should not be an inderence in these aspects.
Today even if a child has an interest in developing his or her creative ability, it is always the parents who tend to change the children?s mind. Keeping in mind the upliftment of the child in future. Parents always never pay preference for this divine subject. If such things prolong subjects like History and literature would also vanish. There will be a generation which does not even know or which is unaware of a subject called literature. It is we as good readers and good thinkers give a thought to such things and try to contribute in some way or the other for the upliftment of literature

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