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Sense Of Humour:
(Daljit Khankhana)

Is there someone who is ready to take responsibility? Ask anybody, He is illiterate or educated, a child or adult, Young and old. Able or disable. Nobody is willing to taking part responsible. Everyone likes to have a good job, a comfortable living, a good balance in their account. But nobody is ready to upgrade his knowledge and experience. If they obtained once qualification they are sitting on the same level. Education never ends. Qualification is a base of techniques where from he utilizes his sense to gain experience.
Once a child asked to his Dad, why do I need a certificate? Dad said,? It is certifying that you have gained something. It is your proof. What?s betterment between them those haven?t such qualifications. He asked, my son those are treating as illiterate. He answered, Dad, but my classmate told me, most of the tycoon hasn?t higher qualification. Most Member of Parliament still using their thumb in my Country, they don?t know how to sign. When I asked how do they manage their departments? He answered me that most educated works for them and saluted them every morning. Nobody can see them without appointments. Always security guard protected them.They are so clever they planned to divide community and upgrade crime with the support of these educators. Most are major criminals they have gangsters if anybody talks against them, they believe to teach him/her a lesson. Nobody can talk against them. Although Police knew that they are big robber but they are afraiding from them never touched them. They have no criminal records because they are achieving this place cleverly not intelligently. Dad I also want to be a Tycoon. So educated people can salute me.

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