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The Boy Next Door
(Enid Blyton)

The Boy Next Door

The 11 year old Robin, his sister Lucy and their cousin Betty were very sure that there was a boy of their age in the neighbour?s house. They could see his outline clearly when they shifted into the house previous night. But Mrs. Tailor, The Dragon as she was called by the children told them that there is no such boy at all. But they could find him by climbing on to the tree. The boy was wearing a Red Indian dress and playing. Soon the children found out ways to communicate with each other. They slipped in messages through the slits of broken balls and threw them over the compound wall. The boy in the Red Indian dress, named Kit, asked them to visit him secretly.

The three children dugged a tunnel under the compound wall and entered the compound with their dog Sandy and also dragging their Red Indian dress with them. They climbed on to a large tree. Kit put a plank from his playing room window in the upstairs to the branch of the ash tree. They entered the room through the window and had fun and played war games in Red Indian dress. They narrowly escaped being caught by Mr. Barter, the tutor of Kit. Incidentally Kit is a motherless American boy. His father was thought to have been caught in the fire in a plane crash. He had inherited a huge wealth and his uncle was trying to kidnap and kill him.

Children moved in and out through the tunnel and had fun in the countryside riding in a boat and swimming. They found an abandoned houseboat. They cleaned and painted the boat. They were having a birth day party in it, when the owner of the boat Mr. Cunningham caught them. He was happy to let the children have the boat for them selves.

Kit?s father came in search of him, but Robin turned him off mistaking him to be his uncle .Robin found out that Mr. Barter planned to hand over Kit to his uncle for 5000 pounds. He warned Kit about the danger. Kit had a very narrow escape and Robin hid him in the house boat not knowing that the boat was prepared by the enemies to imprison Kit. The three children found out that Mrs. Taylor was a good woman and fond of Kit and informed her about the treachery of Mr. Barter. Kit?s father returned and informed police to capture the enemies. Mean while Kit managed to escape from the boat and lock up Mr. Barter and His uncle in the very same boat which they planned to use. Every thing ends well with the reunion of father and son and the kids enjoy fun filled holidays.


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