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A Farsa De Prometeu
(Roberto Ludlum)

During 15 years, Nicholas Bryson worked as private agent for the Directory, a North American governmental organization that, paradoxicalally, has autonomy to act without any interference of the government, exactly that its plans include riots, murders and coup d etat world measures. It is a so mysterious agency, that the majority of the people at least knows of its existence. To many, it does not pass of an urban legend, but Nick knows it very well. Or better: it thinks that he knows. Pensioner of its dangerous functions after a mission that gave wrong, Bryson now has another identity - Jonas Barrett - and works as university professor. The calmness, however, lasts little, therefore the CIA locates it and an incredible revelation brings it: the mythical Directory, that the agent imagined to be the most important and private intelligence service of U.S.A., in the truth is international a terrorist conspiracy with pretensions to dominate the world. Bryson, therefore, passed these years all acting as enemy of the nation and global threat, even so believed to be defending the interests of its country. E has more: Elena, the woman who was its wife during all this time and that she recently abandoned it without great explanations, also was agent of the Directory, contracted to be married it and to watch it. Experienced, Bryson does not believe nothing of this, but it does not go to rest while it will not have tests of that its life was not the humbug that the American government wants that it believes that he was. The CIA does not only look Bryson to frighten it. Its intention is to use it to infiltrate themselves in the Directory and to destroy the organization again. The task, in itself, already is sufficiently difficult, but it becomes still more lasts for the fact of that the personal history of Bryson is involved. If the CIA will be certain, it it was manipulated during 15 years for the woman whom it loves and its masters. On the other hand, if the agency of American intelligence will be missed, then Bryson is gives to trair these same people. It has an additional difficulty: it has five years moved away from this type of work, Bryson is destreinado, its instinct already is not trustworthy, much less its contacts. It would need to be afiadíssimo to deal with this that is the mission most important of its life. To become everything still more complicated, they appear in its bilionário suspected way one of computer science, a seductive and dangerous woman and the mysterious organization Prometheus. Everything this can or not be related its mission.

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