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The Hound Of The Baskervilles
(Arthur Conan Doyle)

Holmes and Watson receive a visit from Dr. James Mortimer, who wishes to consult them before meeting Sir Henry Baskerville, the last of the Baskervilles, and heir to the Baskerville estate in Dartmoor. Dr. Mortimer tells them he is uneasy about letting him go to Baskerville Hall, owing to a supposed family curse. He narrates the legend of the Hound of the Baskervilles, a demonic dog that first killed Sir Hugo Baskerville several hundred years ago, and is believed to kill all Baskervilles in the region of Dartmoor. When Holmes dismisses it as a fairy tale, he narrates the events of the recent death of Sir Charles Baskerville, Henry's uncle. Although he was found dead in his garden without any trace of physical damage, his face was terror-destorted. Dr. Mortimer then reveals something that he had not mentioned at the official inquest. He alone had noticed footmarks at some distance from the body when it was found, the footmarks of a gigantic hound.The Hound, as it is affectionately known, has a number of things going for it. Doyle had matured as a writer since the two earlier Holmes novels, but did not produce this story merely as a response to The Strand's financial offers. Having been conceived of as a Holmes tale for artistic reasons, one can see that the author's enthusiasm was back, and at a time when his abilities could fulfill the story's needs. More subplots, red herrings, and interesting characters drift through its pages than is usual for a Holmes mystery. Inspector Lestrade is a helpful ally. And, most importantly, it is Watson's story. Not only is he the narrator, as is usual, but it is his own activities that he is reporting. Holmes is not on hand for the middle section of the novel, and for those familiar with the Nigel Bruce portrayals, it is refreshing to see Dr Watson's intelligence, bravery, and initiative put on display. With no Holmes, he does a creditable job as his agent, as Holmes himself notes.

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- The Hound Of The Baskervilles

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