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O Pequeno Príncipe
(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

The love does not make you infantile, makes you pure. The meeting of the Small Prince and the Fox, without the shadow of a doubt, is what of more beautiful fábula was described in one. It was the meeting with the necessity of the LOVE. With such meeting, us men we could analyze when we have the necessity of the other, the necessity TO CAPTIVATE and TO BE CAPTIVATED. This necessity sobrevém to all, a time that is it who makes of each one, an only being, that makes with that if it searchs what is essential, the interior, what under a look never distracted would be perceived. This love makes with that, between millions and millions of people, of things, one of them if becomes special you. This feeling is not born by chance, in view of that it must be cultivated, must be expense time with the love so that it has its recognized value. This type of love cannot be cultivated with injustices, therefore it must be judged by the acts, nor can cause anxiety, since it only waits what the other can offer, without expectations (bigger cause of the anxiety); this love is not authoritarian, rank that if bases on the reason and he is not vain person, therefore does not only search compliments. It is a love that carries it the celestial heights, making to explore places that for times permeiam our dreams transforming them into reality. A love without fear to leave what for times in it gives the security sensation to them, in them calms or that even though it is essential. It is a feeling that only makes sensible in the INVISIBLE one. It does not need the substance to materialize itself, it only needs to exist in us to such point that when you will be seen, either seen not its substance, but what you he is in the essencia. You become the LOVE completely. In the current days where if it only searchs money, success, this small fábula in brings them in return to the dreams, to the purenesses of a child that today, perhaps, nor believe that it can exist. Somebody pure, that it searchs in each reader this innate feeling, present thing in each one since its concebimento. It makes a test with you yourselves and you it will discover that the Small Prícipe inhabits not in a distant asteroid, but in you. It makes this test with spirit truth and you will feel happy discovering that serpent did not give end to the prince, therefore it still continues digging baobás and taking care of of the rose planted in its heart. If envergonhe NOT TO LOVE. The LOVE DOES NOT MAKE YOU INFANTILE, MAKES YOU PURE

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