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The Runaway Donkey
(Enid Blyton)


Children of age group 8-12 years are fascinated by the works of Enid Blyton. He inspires children with good values entertaining them at the same time with fantasies such as pixies, toys and animals etc.
The run away donkey is a part of eight ?o? clock tales written by him. Mr. Twiddle had a bad tempered, lazy and fat donkey. The donkey does not allow him to have chicken in his house saying that they disturb his day time snooze. It does not allow him to have a dog because its barking at night is a nuisance to him. In spite of its arrogance Mr. Twiddle is so fond of him because he is lonely and does not want to lose his donkey.

One day, Mr. Twiddle asks the donkey to carry a load of potatoes to the market. Donkey refuses saying that it is so hot. Mr. Twiddle buys a hat with a nice pink ribbon for the donkey to wear it in hot sun because he had to go to market very badly and he can not carry the load of potatoes alone. The donkey looks at his image in the water and feels ridiculed and gets angry and runs away from his master.

Mr. Twiddle will go enquiring about his donkey in the neighborhood and every body says that it is a good riddance for him. But as he is feeling lonely every one gives him presents.
He is presented with a kitten to sleep near the fire, three white chickens to give him eggs every day, a nice little dog to guard him, two pigeons and even a pony to carry his potatoes to the market. Now Mr. Twiddle is so happy with all his animal friends who keep him a good company and never complain.

The donkey which has run away does not get any food. No one will take him as he is so arrogant and realizes that he has done a mistake by running away and returns to his master only to find that his place has been taken away by others. He goes angrily to his master and asks him to chase away all other animals as he has come back. Mr. Twiddle says that the Donkey could probably stay only in his field though he is very fond of him.


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