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Strindberg was a great European Playwright and many students have read his work with great interest ... his writings as follows:

The Father : Miss Julie: The Ghost Sonata

his plays are held to be impressionist and have been performed many times in theatres all over the world.

I saw local performances in England sometime ago but they were translated into English and often the critic would argue that native Swedish would be the best form for this presentation. Strindberg held positions as Journalist and Librarian and dropped out of Medical School, to realise his full potential as a writer:

He had to flee Stockhold because of attacks and ran to other countries in Europe among which are
Switzerland Germany and France: He lived in Paris, was very poor, and hovered on the brink of insanity however he recovered from this: He got a divorce and presumably his writing continued .. after this he married an Austrian Journalist called Frida Uhl and later he visited England.

At the end of his writing career he devoted himself to writing Pamphlets on Politics and other studies: And he died age 63!

Strindberg was a great writer in the tradition of modern play writing. Keep on reading .... great stuff!

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


