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Ervas Medicinais

Medicinal grass Since the beginning the Europeans if had frightened with the immense knowledge that the indians of the tropical forest had of the properties and pharmaceutical uses of the plants. Come of a society that badly started to dominate with more effectiveness medicinal formulas, the just-fond ones had transformed this astonishment into critical: although they trusted pseudo-therapeutical composites of européias grass, they could not believe the aboriginal lapsings, that were simpler and were based on a very bigger number of species. The time was puted in charge to show the importance of this immense practical knowledge. It surrounds three-quarter of all the medicinal drugs of vegetal origin today known come from formulas perfected for the indians. In century XX this gigantic fund was only recognized, still that for ways transversas: pharmaceutical laboratories of the whole world lead research from still used plants for the few indians who had survived to the slaughter of the civilizatório contact. With exception of some rubiáceas, it does not have no species used in the farmacopéia modern whose properties were not known by the indians - for the the opposite, has many species whose use knows and that they remain unknown for the occidental people. The indians had perfected remedies and drugs of all the types. Eméticos (ipecacuanha is known), purgantes (salsaparrilha, potato-of-purges, latex of ficus, among others), anti-hemorrhagic, colírios, anti-thermal controllers of gastric riots, balsams cicatrizadores (jaborandi, for example), astringents (it will cambará), (over all the quinine), anti-diarréicos, antidotes, sedatives, aphrodisiacs, contraceptive, anaesthetics etc. The incluía aboriginal farmacopéia also ceremonial drugs, some of which had had its use spread out in the world occidental person; the tobacco and the cocaine are known, even so others were used. The indians also knew a great variety of poisons (between them curare and timbó), beyond tonics and stimulants, as for example guaraná and grass-kills it, that they had finished being part of the diet occidental person

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