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The Nausea

The Nausea

With the escape don't considered of oneself, with the feeling to be of too or what Sartre calls its ?illegitimacy?, in the World, ?this running larva?, whose reason to exist does not exist and yet there are impossible that it does not exist and especially with Nausea; not with Nausea where I am, not with Nausea in me but with the Nausea which is ME.
Antoine Roquentin, single person of approximately thirty-five years, lives lonely in Bouville, imaginary city which remembers us Le Havre. He writes one book on the life of the marquis de Rollebon, aristocrat of the end of the
XVIII th century, and saw its rents, after having given up a employment in Indo-China, by lassitude of the travels and what it had believed to be the adventure. He holds his newspaper, and it is the text of this newspaper which constitutes the Romance. he notes that his report with the ordinary objects changed and he wonders in what. All seems to him unpleasant. He does not have any
affection for anybody. He meets the Autodidact with the library. Roquentin feels a deep distance with all that surrounds him . He does not support any more the middle-class of Bouville, Mr. de Rollebon quickly seems to him quite dull and without interest also he stops his book.
He wants all to leave then thinks perhaps that only the imaginary will manages to tear off him with Nausea and the writing of a novel would help him for ti be able to
to accept the existence..

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