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Negras Raízes
(Alex Haley)

The author tells its genealogy, its raízes blacks. He initiates with the history of its trisavô, in a tribe in Africa, where he is captured by dealers of slaves. Before this event, the author tells the customs, the education of the children, the division of position for the age and the traditions in these tribes. It counts the suffering suffered for the blacks in the slave ship, having that to defecate in the ship, many adoeceram for the hunger, and lack of counted with the sun. Blacks were estrupadas by the dealers, the point of its orgãos to be in the alive meat. Aguns was played in the sea to alliviate the hunger of the tubarões. Arriving in the North America, it is vendido, running away some times, until having half of its amputated foot. It is bought by a man who treats it better, if becoming caretaker of the great house. House with the domestic, and the son of this couple, is vendida, for having attemped to run away with its boyfriend. Despite the owner being a good man, it it did not admit escapes. This girl is estrupada by its new owner. The author thus continues, counting details of the customs of each stage of the black slavery in America and of its familiar ones. They are 20 years of research. I indicate for that they want to have access to the History of the oppressed loosers and, unmasking the full History of Ideology of the winners.

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