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Retire Rich Retire Young

The book "retire rich retire young" written by a rich man that call Robert T. Kiyosaki
He was writing the book that storyteller how he's get the money that he has today, he learn you a lot of things and make you to think in good ways that if you make them, you will be able to be rich like him.

In the book he talk with you about success and money and learn you about help to other people because this is one of the keys to be rich.
To Rich people will help you in the future, when you will need them, some people try to make money alone and don't want anybody to help them but this is a wrong thinking, because most of these people will not be rich,
Always good to help people even if you think they are useless,
Some day, they will can help, and you will need this help very much,
Even if you will be rich always remember that you started from zero,
And you was a littlie man like the others, and if you will not thinking right in the time that you have money and do a lot of mistakes, you can fall and to be the man that you was, poor and unhappy,
Because that always remember, save money for tomorrow even if today everything is good, who told you that tomorrow will be good to ?,remember mistakes are always happen !!, help people and believe that they will help you some time!

Money and high position is not a kid game and you need work hard to keep them, and to know identify a good opportunity's that can make you a rich man, and to realize your dreams, by that you will make the money to work for you, now I explain what I mean the in the sentence "money work for you".
Let's say that you want to buy a new car, and who don?t know that car is a big expense??, after you buy the car you need to pay for her in a high payment every month, many people cant allow there self this expense and try to get more jobs and to earn more money to buy the car, but Robert says in the book that you can buy a new car without to get more jobs, all you need to do is, buy some property like house or store that is profits pays for the new car and actually you will be able to allow yourself this expense. This is only one of the lessons that the book learn you, I recommended you to read this book and believe me this is the most important investment in the way to be rich.

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