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Flight Of The Mind
(Susana Parducci)

Let your imagination fly; let it fly in your mind, a thougth different from the rest of the people. Imagine yourself as an astranout of a ship without boundaries, looking for a different life in some planet. Or maybe a writter, that will offer in his works, those better stories that live did not teach. Let your mind fly, and turn into a boy, that one that asks for affection, with his innocence and tenderness, and seperate from your dreams, like them..... the misfortune. Fly with your mind to places you have not been to, where to love is not forbidden, like many people do it. Fly each time higher, looking for your hopes, let there not be reasons, nor fears nor frights. Where death does not exist, neither does pain nor breakdowns. Let your mind fly, or could it be that it is so deep into sleep that it does not understand that if it slows down, life will slip away? Leave the grudge, the hate, the repression; think that maybe peace could be found in some corner. Take it as if nobody believed it was real. Just you and your mind fly, in a world of hope. Where vengence does not exist, neither do fears nor doubts. Where happiness is reached only by routine. Let your mind fly... Do no stop it or hold it down. Your mind is so real! I just ask that you understand me. Fly with your mind, now do it with your soul, together you will fly in a dream... real, even though it is not vivid.

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- Life, The Universe And Everything

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