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The Camaleão is a reptile known for changing its color to adapt itself to an environment or a situation. This strategy the aid if to protect of potential predators and to pass unfurnished for them. Beyond this characteristic, it possesss the capacity to put into motion the two eyes independently and also to roll the tail to grasp itself. Therefore, it goes up with easiness in trees and it runs fast in the soil. He is a good diver and also nothing well, being able to be submerged for long time. In case that if it feels acuado, it runs away or it is defended with dentated and chicoteando with the tail. Of diurne habits, costuma to the dawn to place it the sun to hunt the type of insects all, as grasshoppers and other arthropods. The Camaleão is if it feeds of great amounts of green leves, and fruits. It also ingests insects. It inhabits of Mexico to Central Brazil. Here, it lives in the Amazonian Forest, the bushes of gallery of the open pasture and in caatingas. In the reproductive period, the males go down of the shrubs to find an friend. Ovípara is a species, and the positions vary between 30 and 40 eggs, that are deposited in the ground. The incubation is long, lasts of 8 the 9 months. It reaches the sexual maturity in one year and can live of 4 the 5 years. He arrives to measure a meter of length. It is an imponent lizard, with a beautiful crest that goes of the nape of the neck until the tail and also appears in papo. The males, normally, more are colored and with more prominent ornamentações in the head. As much the male how much the female is aggressive. One gives credit that the individuals that live in the European Mediterranean sectors derive from units introduced for the man at remote times. Some curiosidades: In the African symbology, the camaleão is a sacred animal, seen as the creator of the first men. It is never deceased, and when it is found in the way, they take off it with precaution, from fear of the thunder and the lightning.

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