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Pedagogia Da Autonomia
(Paulo Freire)

The general interest of this workmanship is to supply to know necessary practical educative of professors formed or in formation, exactly that some of these professors are not critical or progressive because are points approved for the practical one, not considering position politics. It fits to the professor to observe practical which is appropriate for its community. The contents must be clearest and assimilable possible remembering the first one to know: to teach is not to transmit knowledge, nor neither to amoldar educating in a body the accomodated drifter and, but to create the possibilities for its production or construction. Who teaches learns when teaching and who learns teaches learning. The democratic educator works with the educandos the methodical rigorosidade with that they must come close itself to cognoscíveis objects. To teach is not depleted in the treatment of the object or the content, however it prolongates yourself to the production of conditions where to learn criticamente it is possible, demanding the presence of educators and educandos creative, investigating and uneasy, rigorously curious, humble and persistent. In the conditions of true learning the educandos and educators go if transforming into real citizens of the construction and reconstruction of taught knowing. It does not have education without research and research without education. E fits to the professor to continue searching so that its education is propitious to the debate and the new questionings. The research if also makes important, therefore in if it creates the stimulaton and the respect to the creative capacity of educating. The school and the professors need to respect to know them of the educandos and that always possible, to work its empirical knowledge, its previous experience. Quarrel is advised to it on the social problems that the devoid communities face and the inaquality that surround them. The new discoveries, theories need exactly to be debated and accepted that partially, however it is important that if it preserves, of some form, the old one, the traditional forms of education. It is condemned any form of discrimination, racial, politics, religious, of social classroom, therefore the discrimination denies the democracy radically and wounds the dignity of the human being. Any discrimination is immoral and to fight against it is a duty no matter how hard if it recognizes the force of the conditionings to face. How much to the recognition of the cultural identity, the respect is absolutely basic in practical the educative progressive. A simple gesture of the professor represents very in the life of a pupil. What an insignificant gesture can be considered can be valid as formadora force for the intellectual and academic development of educating. The professor who thinks certain leaves to be transparent to the educandos that the beauty of if being in the world are the capacity to perceive that intervined in the world it it will know and transform the world. Therefore, to teach demands common-sense, a time that, must be observed the coherent quão coeso the educators is being when charging the contents of its disciplines. The exercise or the education of common-sense goes surpassing what it has in it of instinctive in the evaluation that we make. The professor who disrespects the curiosity of educating, its aesthetic taste, its language, its syntax and prosódia; the professor whom ironiza the pupil, who among others minimizes it offences in favor of the order in classroom, never transgresses ethical the basic principles of our existence and this trespass could be seen or be understood as virtue, but as rupture with the decency. Consequently to this process, educating must be educated of form to fight for the rights of the professors, being supported its fight for righter wages and respect for its profession. The agencies of the classroom would have to prioritize the persistence of the permanent formation of the pictures of the teaching as task highly politics and to rethink practical of the strikes, inventing a new way to fight that it is more efficient. The fight of the professors for the dignity of its function, is not only democraticamente important, as well as can be interpreted as one practical ética.Quanto to the devoid communities, the change is difficult, but it is possible. Being based on this to know basic, it is that the politician-pedagogical action will be programmed, with joy and hope, respect and awareness. Not obviously imposing the expoliada and suffered population that if rebels, that if it mobilizes or if organizes to defend itself. It is treated to defy the popular groups so that they perceive the violence and the deep injustice that characterize its situation. Of this form, the education if makes gift as form to intervine in the world. Being a especificidade human being, the act to educate demands security, professional ability, comprometimento and generosity. The professor who does not take serious the its formation, that does not study, nor if he improves, does not have moral force to co-ordinate the activities of its classroom. However, it has professors cientificamente prepared, but authoritarian and arrogant, or either, the professional incompetence disqualifies the authority of the professor. The coherently democratic authority wants of same itself, wants of educating, for the construction of a Real climate disciplines, never minimizes the freedom. He is convicta of that it disciplines it true does not exist in the stagnation,

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