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502 Selected Illustrations
(José Luis Martínez)

Influence. There's nothing more powerful that influence. You can't see it, you can't smell it, but there is she, making her silent work, making us do things that we don't want to do. Socrates, the great greek philosopher, as far as we know, never wrote a book or even a manuscript; all we know from him is due to his disciples writings. But his influence was so huge, that in spite of centuries from his death, it is alive in his old and modern disciples: Aristoteles, Plato, Heraclit. Tchaicovsky was inspired by Mozart. Charles Jennens wrote some lines and wanted George Frederick Handel to put the music. He gave his writings to Handel, but he wasn't at home. He left a note for Handel. When Handel revised the material, he inspired in such way that he couldn't do anything, not eating or sleeping, until he finished The Messiah, one of the most wonderful music of the world. After that, Handel went to bed and woke up seventeen hours later! Who can calculate Jennens influence on Handel? Or Handel influence to the world? Together they created such a piece of art and beauty. We never can minimize the power of influence, for good or for evil. Fire can't destroy it, water can't sink it, time can't kill it. It is permanent. Even after death, our influence will go on. (JB Fowler).
So, whe you live day by day, remember that everybody is watching you, and mos important of all: God is watching you. What kind of influence are you for people who is beside you, in your place, in your work, in your school?
I hope you to be a good influence to another human being today. You'll never regret of that, and will be surprised some day when people reaches you and say: Thanks! You gave me no preaching, but you gave me your best preaching: your life, your example. And now I am saved by your influence in my life.

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