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Orange blossom

Even without seeing me andEven if you do not see meI'll be watching you.While not touching you'll Be feeling.And when youAre passingI'll be following you.In your eyesI am andCharm me withThy charms.In your body isMy desire and thyImage your senses.You are my desire.A dream that beautiful!I'll be livingWhile you're smiling.Your body is perfect,I want to own it in bed.Strait of my corset.Your body is all ...Orange blossom.White and soft,gild as a radiant sun.Slide as a stream.Gold and pure as the source.The water that rainsWhich in canting pours ...Voluptuousness of water and calls ...Your body ... My only island.In the ocean of my desires.Your body is all that radiatesYour body is everything that smells ...Pink, orange blossom ...

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