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Aesop S Fables

This is a collection of fables, recorded by the Greek Aesop. Each story follows the formula of a fable: the story teaches a moral lesson, often with the help of animal characters who serve as metaphorical representations of flaws in human nature. The fables are written on a child's level, but can often be interpreted in more complicated ways. Each is about 1 page long, if not less. The morals are clearly spelled out at the end of each story.

Some of the more famous stories include "The Fox and the Crow" and "The Milkmaid and her eggs," and "The Tortoise and Hare." These stories respectively teach the lessons Don't trust flatterers Don't put all your eggs in one basket, and The race is not always to the swift.

Varying versions of the fables may exist, as this book is a translation from ancient Greek.

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- Aesop S Fables

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- Aesop S Fables

- Aesop S Fables

- Aesop S Fables

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