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Science Teaching In Schools


Science teaching in schools by R.C Das can be used as a handbook of rules and as a reference material by all science teachers both novice and experts. This book is meant to create professionals in science teaching by following the given procedures. It is also a guide book for those who are doing their B.Ed.
The main theme of the book is reminding the science teachers that their job is not to preach science but to inculcate scientific mind and to develop scientific attitude in the minds of youngsters. Science is a very modern subject in the sense that only very recently it has been included as a part of school syllabus. Few years back it was only a small percentage of total student population going to university or other institutes of learning. But today we have now reached a stage when every citizen of world feels the importance of science learning. People are now conscious to educate their children in a way to enable them to participate in scientific, technological and industrial progress.
This book gives detailed instructions of formulating a science corner for primary children, General science laboratory for middle school and high school and also physical science and biological science laboratories at higher secondary level. The author describes all the details like furniture, power points , laboratory equipment , stationery, record materials and amount of light in such away that a science teacher who has to set up a laboratory on her own will have no difficulty if she has this book
The book gives a step by step description of setting up of an aquarium, terrarium and museum in such simple and illustrated language that any new teacher can start it with confidence.
The illustrations of the teaching methods to be followed, aids to be used and the purpose of using each aid like projectors, charts, slides, graphs, textbooks, reference materials and science journals are very well. This book is a must for every science teacher.


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