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Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets


In the second book of the Harry Potter series by J.K.Rowling, Harry finds it difficult at the Dursley?s and he is also upset because so far he hasn?t got any letters from his friends. He also has a surprise visitor who reveals the reason why he hasn?t got any letter from any of his friends and also advises Harry not to go to Hogwarts that year and creates trouble for Harry. As predicted, terrible things happen at Hogwarts. All muggle borns are attacked by a monster which lies in the chamber of secrets. To worsen things Harry is suspected to be the heir of Slytherin because he is a parsel mouth [one who can talk to snakes]. It is also believed that only the heir of Slytherin can control the monster which lies within. As Hermione is a muggle born, she is also attacked. Harry hears strange voices which only he can hear and they are not hallucination. All these terrible things are happening because the chamber of secrets has been opened for the second time. It was opened 50 years ago. It is assumed that Hagrid has opened it previously. Suspecting him the ministry of magic arrests him. As things go out of hand Dumbledore is suspended temporarily. Harry and Ron discover that it was not Hagrid who opened the chamber previously, and they both solve the mystery with the help of the clue given by Hermione. Previously it was Tom Marvolo Riddle who opened the chamber and it is him who has opened it again only that he has done it by the means of a diary which falls into the hands of poor Ginny, Ron?s sister, thanks to wicked Lucius Malfoy. The surprise visitor is none other than the house elf of the Malfoys. Harry earns the gratitude of the elf by freeing it from the Malfoys. The petrified muggle borns are back, thanks to the herbology teacher. Another one of J.K.Rowling?s fabulous works. It is an exciting read. It is as fascinating as the first one.


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