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The Gospel Of John
(Nuevo Testamento)

Around year 90 d.C. John the apostle writes to the second generation of Christians which today is known like the quarter of Gospels. At the end of the first century of the Christian Era Juan saw necessary to shield the faith of the new believers in the divinity of Christ being fought the philosophical current of the Gnosticism. Some Christians of the time adopted the gnóstics belief that God could not have incarnated in the body of a simple one to be human. By means of his version of the life and work of Jesus Christ the apostle of the love sets out to clear confusions presented/displayed to the Rabbi of galilea like the Son of the God made meat.
With simple but deep language, Juan paints a picture of Jesus Christ remarkably different in his style from the one from Mattew, Marck and Luck. For that reason, instead of focusing his attention on some specific events, he unfolds the deep meaning of which Jesus had said or done. John limited itself to choose certain scenes that do not include altogether more than 20 days of the life of Christ and it incorporated them so that they presented/displayed a Mesías that knew of where came and to where it went. Jesus is not simply a man who appeared in the Earth, but the Son of God, envoy to carry out the work of the Father.
According to John, Christ participated in the original act of the creation but to its due time the Divine Word was sent to the Earth like the Verb - that summarizes everything what God wished to say. God expressed itself of the only form that we could understand it: Becoming one of us.

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- Christians (derivation)

- The New Testament (the New Testament)

- The New Testament

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