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Angels And Demons
(Dan Brown)

The world-renowned physicist, Leonardo Vetra, was brutally murdered and his research fruition ?antimatter?, which he thought to have been safely stored in the basement guarded by state-of-the-art security system, had been stolen by the intruder.

Robert Langdon, a charismatic professor of religious iconology at Harvard University, was called in to help identify the mysterious symbol seared onto the dead physicist?s chest and find out the motive behind such a barbaric killing.

Together with Vittoria, the murdered physicist?s daughter, also a scientist and the research partner to her father, professor Langdon flied to Vetican to try to recover the purloined antimatter specimen, which was believed to be capable of making Vetican vanish into thin air within a matter of a few seconds. And they had just less than twenty-four hours.

Much as racing against time ticking away, they had to fought head on with the ?Illuminati?, a secret ancient brotherhood thought to have been extinct for nearly four hundred years. The brotherhood, the mortal enemy of the medieval Catholic church, now vengefully re-emerged to stage on the cold-blooded murders of another four cardinals attending the Conclave to elect a new pope, and vowed to bring sweeping devastation to the pope- and cardinal-led Vetican.

With cryptic trails left by the Illuminati killer, professor Langdon and Vittoria deciphered the intention of their rivals and outwitted them. However, when they eventually found the antimatter bomb planted in the heart of the Vetican city and defused the threat posed to the whole city, the twists and turns of the day were far from coming to an end. The revelation of the truth was more than a shock and inconceivable to everyone involved ? a much-unexpected turn of the unravelling events.

Angels and Demons is such an action-packed thriller, once you turn on the first page, it's simply unable to put it down until you reach the very end. Highly recommended. Enjoy!

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