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The Da Vinci Code
(Master Peace)

A murder inside the Louvre Museum, in Paris, brings a misterious conspiration to revel a secret that was protected by an secret society since Jesus Crist. The vitim is the respectable manager of the museum, Jacques Sunière, one of the leaders of that old fratermity, the Priorade of Sion, that already have members like Leonardo da Vinci, Victor Hugo e Isaac Newton. Moments before of death, Saunière succeed to leave an massage writtan in code in the place of the death that just your granddaughter, the criptographer Sophie Neveau (?new knowledge?, in french), and Robert Langdon, an famous teacher of simbology of Harvard. Together, they would have found a serie of clues that would revel the "secrets" of Cristianism: that God would be a woman, Jesus would have descendants and that Mary Madalen would be divine. The book states that those trues would be hidden in a serie of secrets documents called "Documents of Saint Graal". Both turn in to suspects and in detetives, while runnig through streets of Paris and London trying to decipher codes that could revel them a millenar secret that envolves the Catolicism. Just from a few steps of the autorities and from a dangerous murderer, Sophie and Robert need to search the hidden clues in paints of Da Vinci and faced with one of the biggest misterious of the ocidental culture ? the natur of the smile of Mona Lisa to the true meaning of Saint Graal.

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- The Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

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