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(The Bible)

The main point in the beggining sections of Leviticus was for Moses to convey how Isrealites were to properly donate offerings and gifts to Yahweh. The correct ways to sacrifice birds, animals and produce were included. The next sections were instructions on how to redeem ones self if they have sinned against Yahweh. This entailed specific instructions of redemption and the livestock of choice for the sacrificial cleansing of these sins. Also included in these passages are lists of what was considered edible and what not. If one would eat something or touch something on the list of things that were forbidden; there were specific rituals to be cleansed there after. Upon reading further into Leviticus I have learned the traditional methods used for cleansing the body and spirit after such things as childbirth, disease, illness, sex and minor injury. Specified in the passages was also the way to cleanse clothing and hardware. Also included was a list of holidays and celebrations and how The Isrealites were to keep these sacred. Eternal rewards were mentioned for abiding parties. Penalties were listed for those who did not keep these words as law. After completely reading the texts of Leviticus, it is my understanding that Moses's main priority was to stress to the Isrealites the importance of following the instructions and redeeming themselves if any error should occur.

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