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Generationany.com -links,....
(Stephen King; Steve Martini; Peter Straub; Pat Conroy....)

GenerationAny.com Homepage of Author Michael Steward -LINKS- These are books which the writer, himself an enthusiastic reader, has enjoyed over the last year or so. The Genre's and content of each vary quite a bit, true. But the author believes in being a well rounded reader as well as writer and recommends each title for its impact and entertainment value as well. So enjoy dear reader, enjoy....
Wolves Of The Calla, THE DARK TOWER V, Stephen King: Drawing ever closer to the tower Roland of Gilead and his ka-tet are sworn to help the people of Cala Bryn Sturgis, as they make their stand against the Wolves, faceless horsemen who've swept down on the peaceful farming towns each generation, stealing one of every two and bringing the one abducted back home roont.... A stuning edition to the Gunslinger series, this book kept the writers attention all nine hundred and twenty five pages. For fans of Mr. King (for fans of the western novel, or the fantasy or horror genre's), the reader can't go wrong. And what of Mia, the daughter of none and her 'chap'? Perhaps the sixth Gunslinger will tell....
Double Tap- A PAUL MADRIANI NOVEL- Steve Martini: A story within a story here as our main character defends and ex-army ranger accused of murdering a software CEO and is subsequently forced to recall his own childhood. -Growing up with his uncle Evo, who came home from the Great War damaged beyond repair. (Also an entertaining little-person prosecuter who nearly upsets Mr. Madriani's case). If you're into legal thrillers Steve Martini is one of the best....
The Throat- Peter Straub: One of this writers hero's and, in his humble opinion, one of the best Horror novelists of all time. -A conclusion to Mr. Straubs earlier work Koko, the story is told in a nighmarish tone that delves into the deepest recesses of the psyche and gives an all to real face to Evil as well. If you haven't yet read Koko, I highly recommend you do so. The two 'bleed' together almost seamlessly....
My Loosing Season- Pat Conroy: The sense of melancholy, of tragedy, makes Mr. Conroy one of the more important writers of his time, like his contemporary John Irving. And, at the same time catapults Mr. Conroy into the company of southern novelists Harper Lee and William Faulkner as well. This novel speaks, nearly too well, of real life and real loss....
Sometime, in the near future, these other selections shall be listed on GenerationAny's Link Page. The Early Diary of Anis Nin. A Widow For One Year, John Irving and On Writing, Stephen King. Until that time try some of the books mentioned above. You won't be sorry you did. Oh, and PS, take a look at Mr. Straubs Website. It's fascinating.... Keep reading, and please 'keep thinking', dear reader. Yours, Michael Steward (Writer In Residence), GenerationAny.com (2006)....

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