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(Maya Angelou)

Names is a short story by Maya Angelou, a contemporary American writer. It is based on the author’s real life and portrays the life of black girls from Stamps, by describing the way they were prepared for adulthood, according to mid-Victorian values.

The story turns around the major character, Margaret, whose main purpose is, not only to call the reader’s attention to the different ways of life of both black and white people, but also to emphasize the power of racism and discrimination in the South of the United States . This is clearly highlighted by Margaret’s different attitude towards Mrs Cullinan    - submission while she kept the name of Margaret and, anger, defiance and revulsion after being renamed Mary.

Besides, Maya introduces the minor character, Bailey to make the story reach the climax.

Being told of Viola’s favourite dishes, Mary dropped them all, which awoke Mrs Cullinan’s anger and revealed her racist feelings. Those feelings are clearly highlighted by the use of expressions such as: ‘clumsy nigger’ and ‘black nigger.’

Apart from that, Maya did not forget to show the other side of black people, and that is the case of the thoroughly submissive Mrs Cullinan’s cook.

  Glory is the opposite side of Mary. She is generous, kind, helpful, happy, totally obedient and loyal to her mistress. She is always ready to do everything she is asked to, without claiming and, she does it with a natural sense of acceptance and humbleness.

As for Viola, a white woman from Virginia , she is the character who represents superiority and the white power over the black. However, and in spite of this fact, she is not only physically unattractive, but she is also a very lonely person due, perhaps, to the fact that she cannot have children.

Besides, her husband had two girls from a black woman. That is why she spends most of her time surrounded by women friends – it might be to lessen her loneliness.

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