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(roald dahl)

William Wordsworth (April 7, 1770 - April 23, 1850). He was a Romantic English poet. Samuel Taylor, a poet, helped him launch his poetry. An autobiography was written of his early years that was revised and expanded a number of times. It was never published during his life time, and was only given a title after his death in 1850. Up to this time the poem was known as the poem ?to Coleridge?.


The second of five children, Wordsworth was born in Cumberland part of the scenic region in the northwest England. With the death of his mother in 1778, his father sent to Hawkshead Grammar School. In 1783 the children were sent to live with there uncles. Although his childhood was very good he recalled loneliness and anxiety. It took him many years, and much writing to recover from the death of his parents and his separation from his siblings.

Wordsworth began going to St John?s Collage, Cambridge in 1787. In 1790, he visited France and supported the Republican movement. The following year, he graduated from Cambridge.


In November 1791 Wordsworth returned to France and took a walk tour of Europe that included the Alps and Italy.
He fell in love with a French woman, Annette Vallon who in 1792 gave birth to their child, Caroline. Due to lack of money and the Britain?s tensions with France, he returned alone to England. But he supported Vallon and his daughter the best he could. War between France and Britain stop him from seeing his family again for several years. During that time Wordsworth was depressed and emotionally unsettled in the mid 1790s.

First Publication and Lyrical Ballads

1793 saw Wordsworth?s first published poetry with the collections An Evening Walk and descriptive Sketches. He received ¢900 from Raisley Calvert in 1795 so that he could continue writing poetry. That year he met Samuel Taylor. The two poets quickly developed friendship. In 1797 Wordsworth and his sister moved to Somerset, just a few miles from Taylor?s home.

One of Wordsworth?s most famous poems is the ?Tintern Abbey. ?The Rime of the Ancient Mariner? the second edition published in 1800.


Wordsworth, Dorothy and Taylor than traveled to Germany during the harsh winter of 1798?1799. Wordsworth later began work on autobiographical piece later titled ?The Prelude?. He also wrote a number of other poems like ?The Lucy Poems?. Wordsworth became known as the ?Lake Poets.


In 1802 he and Dorothy went over to France to see Annette and Caroline. Later that year he married a childhood friend, Mary Hutchinson. Dorothy did not appreciate the marriage at first, but lived with the couple and later grew close to Mary. The following year Mary gave birth to their first of five children. Coleridge?s health began to get worse and his friendship with Wordsworth did also in 1802.

Autobiographical poems in two volumes

Wordsworth for many years had been planning to make a long philosophical poem in three parts which he wanted to call ?The Recluse?. In 1798 ? 99 started an autobiographical poem, he never gave it a name but called it ?poem to Coleridge?. In 1804he began expanding this autobiographical work. In 1805 he had completed this work but refused to publish until he had completed the whole of ?The Recluse. The death of his brother had affected him strongly.

In 1802 two of the three volumes were published. It included in it from when he was a child up until he died.

Two of his children Thomas and Catherine, died in 1812. the following year he moved to Rydal Mount where he spent the rest of his life.

Death of Wordsworth

William Wordsworth died in Rydal Mount in 1850 and was buried in St Oswald?s Church in Grasmere. His widow Mary published his lengthy autobiography.

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