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The Alchemist ( A Magical Fable About Following Your Dream )

The Alchemist is an unconventional tale of an adventure journey which brings forth the uncertain face of reality.It inspires one to absorb the experiences of life and encourages to follow one's dream.

A young shephard boy ,Santiago, leaves his native land of Andulasia in search of a treasure upon which he sets his heart. In an abandoned church where he decides to spend a night , he has a recurring dream that propels him to undertake a journey to the Pyramids of Egypt. But many unexpected encounters await him.

He goes on to meet a gypsy woman who used to read palms. She tells Santiago that there does exist such a treasure which would make him a rich man and asks him to promise one - tenth of it as her fees.

He then meets a king who gives him valuable lessons of life . The magical old man encourages Santiago to follow his dream and teaches him about omens and beginner's luck.

Santiago lands in the markets of Tangier where he looses all the money he had obtained by selling off all his sheep to make his journey. He ends up being without a single penny in an unknown land. He is dissappointed by the situation but nevertheless decides to move on . He takes up a job in a crystal shop , starts earning money , but now to get back to his sheep and not to go to Egypt . Pyramids of Egypt and the treasure become a distant dream to him.

In the crystal shop he risks with new ideas responding to the positive omens and succeeds . In about a year he earns enough to buy twice as many sheep as he had earlier.

He decides to leave for Spain. But once again a mysterious force asks him to follow his destiny.

He sets off for Egypt by crossing a desert. in a caravan and finds a companion in an Englishman , a student of alchemy.

During his stopover in an oasis , he meets Fatima,the love of his life . This woman of desert asks him to complete his journey as against his wish to stay.

Santiago' reluctance turns into willingness when he meets an alchemist. This alchemist had created the Master Work which consisted of a liquid part called Elixirof Life that cured all illness and a solid part - Philosopher's Stone that turned lead to gold.He senses that Santiago possessed a strenghth of character combined with he sensitivity which allowed him to learn the language of the soul of the earth. He accompanies Santiago and leads him to the treasure .

In the way Santiago looses his enormous saving's twice again but finally gets his treasure - not in the Pyramids but in Spain , in the same abandoned church where he first dreamt of his treasure.

The plot of The Alchemist is replete with supernatural and metaphysical instances which teach a man to come in contact with his higher being. The story carries a strong underlying message - that there is unanimity and harmony among all forces existent on earth . The basic idea of the tale is to reveal the uncertainity of life .

In the face of all the vagaries , one's success is determined by the choice one makes and how strongly one adheres to it.

THE ALCHEMIST is truly a release from the conventional and gives a thrilling feeling one gets upon surpassing the stigmas of the society. This timeless and classical narrative has changed the lives and attitude of the people the world over and it would continue to influence the lives of many in the coming times.

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- The Alchemist

- The Alchemist

- The Alchemist

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