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The Thirty Year Old Woman

The thirty year old WomanWoman the thirty year old (1834) is a work with the complex genesis. It's worked between Eugenie Grandet and the Father Goriot,
Made up in the beginning of six portrait-episodes of the same heroin presented under different names « six tables of which same History » is composed; Balzac will say - the present edition takes again the title of one of this original news and traces this time the single course of a woman confronted with the fate which the female condition of this time holds for him. there
As one imminent sociologist, physiologist and moralist, Balzac deploys some of the key stages of the life of the marchioness of Aiglemont which does not manage to reconcile her roles of society woman, wife and mother with the aspirations of her heart.
Balzac logic is then relentless: the desire of an absolute and perfect passion combined to a disappointing marriage lead irresistibly to adultery, which a fashionable life prevents from really concluding.
The woman such as Balzac conceives is necessarily victim of her own desires, wants adultery and yet obliges to respect, because of her rang, the laws of the society which give birth to in him from the feelings in total contradiction with the duties that they impose.
In addition to this psychological portraits, Balzac proposes to us a true doxology of the female condition of the beginning of XIX th, the account of a destiny of woman of her time, which is not without making think, by her topics, his descriptions and his dramatic intensity, with the future Mrs. Bovary of Flaubert

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