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Holy Bible King James Version
(King James)

A lot of sex, violence and well-told stories, much vivid imagery

There is so much controversy over this book! Everyone has their opinion about it being totally true, partially true, or completely false!

The story is basically divided up into a large number of different books, but don't be put off. It's really just like chapters in a normal book.

The story is really good, specially for the first part of the book (the "Old Testament"), full of everything a good book has - kinky sex, violence, incest, genocide, warfare, slaughter, disasters, bloodshed, evil and all the rest of it. The first few books are mostly about the creation of the world, and plagues descending upon Egypt. Also, later on we get to find out about King David, who really is awesome.

The second book is the "New Testament". Bit better structured, it focuses around Jesus, a man who loved human kind .He preached the word of God and was killed by those He loved
The Bible takes a lifetime to read and study due to the intense amount of text, as well as the "meaning" behind each text. However, there is only one message, it is the message of LOVE

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