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The Consolation Of Philosophy

Born in approximately 480 AD, Anicius Severinus Boethius enjoyed a life of intellectual and political prominence before his own integrity led to his impeachment for treason leading to his arrest, exile and eventual execution . The Consolation of Philosophy, worked on in his prison cell, is a work of self comfort which also effectively bridges the gap between the philosophy of the ancient world and the Christian faith of the middle ages.

The work takes the form of a debate between Boethius and a woman who is the personification of the concept of Philosophy. Boethicus is wretched because of his miserable fortune despite living a virtuous life. By taking him through various arguments regarding the nature of fortune, good and evil and happiness, Philosophy leads Boethicus back to the central truth of his book ; that true happiness and peace comes from within, and is unassailable and that the happiness that comes from sources such as wealth and good fortune is illusory. Trials should be seen as opportunities to strengthen the character.

This book blends ancient philosophical precepts with elements of Christian faith. Some of its arguments are flawed and simplistic but its central message still holds a relevance today, whether one is a prisoner in actuality or metaphorically. This is a useful book for the student of philosophy or ancient history.

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