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Mortal Suns
(Tanith Lee)

In her desert tower in the Kingdom of Pesh, the moon Poetess Sirai, sets down the story of her life before death claims her. However, this is not the story of her life in the land which claimed her as a slave before adopting and honouring her. Rather, it is a story of a life before. For Sirai was once someone else; Callistra, Princess of the once mighty Kingdom of Akhemony. And before this, Cemira, or ?snake?, a monstrous child abandoned to the god Thon. For although beautiful, Callistra was born without feet.

Using distinct visual, lyrical prose, Lee allows Sirai/Callistra to guide us through an archaic, ancient world where the Sun is the primary deity and the people are ruled by the God?s representative on earth, the Great Sun.

Saved by her step mother, the Sun consort Urdombis from a life of living death in the mountain temple of the death god, Callistra is restored to her place at court at the very time of the death of her father, Akreon the Great Sun. Here, her rise and fall is inextricably linked to that of her half brother Klyton, one of the Great King?s many sons by lesser wives. For it is these Prince?s or ?mortal suns? that will ultimately decide the fate of Akhemony.
A rich, lush tale of fate, superstition, portents and power, the story reads like a lost history passing into fable. Tanith Lee has an original imagination and writing style that transports. She makes a refreshing change from many of the hackneyed fantasies often given prominence on bookshelves. This is a story that will not disappoint in both its concept and its telling.

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