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La Vieille Dame Et Le Chien
(Harouna Wane)

The old lady and her dog. A very old lady living alone in a big house in a desolate area on the outskirts ot the city, was waiting for a visit from her son. She was sitting in a rocking chair and reading a book while petting her dog. A few moments had gone by when she heard a sound coming from the kitchen area: it was only the kitchen sink's water tap dripping. She got up and turned the tap tightening it enough to stop the dripping and returned to her book and resumed petting her dog. Suddenly, the sound reappeared again, but this time it was not coming from the kitchen area but rather from the bathroom on the first floor. At which point she went and shut the tap. The water was not dripping like the one in the kitchen but was trickling. Once again she returned to her book and once again resumed petting her dog, but within a few minutes later, she again heard the familiar sound: water dripping one drop at a time has this disturbing devilish rythm one wishes never to hear! She again goes to check in the kitchen and nothing, she then proceeds to the bathroom on the first floor and still nothing. still nothing so she heads to the second floor bathroom and notices that the tap is running so she turns if off and yet the sound persists and seems close by! She notices that the Shower curtains were slightly pulled away! She approaches quietly and cautiously pulls open the curtains! To her great surprise, she sees her dog strangled and bleeding drop after drop on the shower floor! The question still persists: What could she have been petting all that time?

Resumos Relacionados

- The Hurdy-gurdy Rams And The Dog (la Vielle Dame Et Le Chien)

- The Hurdy-gurdy Rams And The Dog (la Vielle Dame Et Le Chien)

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- Something In The Attic

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