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The Promise
(Danielle Steel)

Ah, love, isn?t love great!Nancy and Michael thought they had the perfect love ? nothing would damage their love and Michael defied his mother when he decided to marry Nancy.With money and a well-known company to inherit, Nancy wasn?t suitable for the society life as Michael?s wife she would have to lead. That?s what Michael?s mother thought and that?s why they decided to marry in secret.But, on their way to the ceremony, they and Bill, Michael?s best friend and godfather had an accident. Of course, Michael?s mother took matters into her hand and took advantage of the fact of Nancy?s face being destroyed to offer her a deal.She would pay all the medical expenses and Nancy would never contact Michael. Ever again! Nancy accepted it, as she was quite convinced that Michael would find her wherever she was.But what she didn?t know was that his mother told him that she was dead and mad with grief, Michael only lived for his work. He made no effort to look for Nancy, who in the hands of the best doctor, started having her face rebuilt.She rebuilt everything, not only her face ? always hoping that Michael would come looking for her. But Michael didn?t ? he didn?t know she was alive and with her new face, it would be hard for him to recognise her.She became a photographer and at her first exhibition, Bill, Michael?s friend and his right arm, was quite interested in her work, as they were going to build in the city a medical center.But Nancy refused, which surprised Bill. So, Michael decided to go there, meet her in person and close the deal.But even so, Nancy refused and Michael had to accept. In one of his meetings, he saw in the wall a picture, the picture Nancy was working on when they had the accident. Nancy had finished it and gave it to her doctor.So, Michael knows now she is alive and off he goes to find her ? to keep the promise he made to her.Never say goodbye and he never did, as he had always lived with her in his heart.

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