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"s" Is For Silence
(Sue Grafton)

Sue Grafton and her "alphabet" series of books write like a non-fiction novel. I write about "S" because it is her most recent release, however her entire collection is tasty and worth collecting. She writes about the same character in every book (Kinsey Milhone), and the reader feels like she lives and breathes in the town Sue writes in the book. The street names and all of the details and even businesses are included in the writings, and many of them are accurate. If someone is not interested in fiction and even more suspense, they may well still love Sue Grafton anyway as the reader is swept away in the daily, idyllic life of Kinsey as she goes from her tranquil, scenic existence in a town like Santa Barbara, Ca. to near death in her private investigative escapades. Each book has a different client and a breathtaking, unpredictable ending. Grab one the first chance you get if you already haven't!

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