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Mahan Singh
(apoorv agarwal)

Many years ago, there lived a king. His name was Mahan Singh. He was a cruel man and killed any one who dared to stand up to him. In his kingdom, everyone was afraid of him, but for a young fellow named Arun. He was keen that each person must be given equal rights and the king must look after the interests of his subjects. We should listen to the king and the king should full fill our wants Starting from then everybody started to get encouraged. They made a plan that they would kill the king by making their weapons. The weapons that they were making were made by metal that was bought by the five rupees that every single villager gave and wood that they got from the near-by forest. Each villager gave five rupees out of forty rupees. That is all most five percent of the money that the king gave them.

The king was in trouble because he could be murdered any second, so he got ten guards for his safety. The king announced an emergency meeting. He told his generals to go and kill every single person who goes against him and use as much gold to give it to the villagers and tell them that they should not go against him. Nobody listened or took gold from the men that the king had sent.

It was night and the whole kingdom was sleeping and the lights were closed but not in one house. That house was the house in which the villagers kept there meeting Arun, Sarthak and other villagers had kept a meeting for how are they going to murder the king tomorrow, on his anniversary for being a king for 10 years. They made a map and kept it on the table and told. They planed that Arun was going to kill the king. Sarthak would fight the head general and the other villagers were to fight the king?s men. Everybody understood their positions and took their weapons. They slept till 4 o?clock in the morning. After waking up they went in the assembling ground in which 3 villagers were going to be hanged for the king?s happiness. They got ready above the balcony in which the king was going to stand. The moment the king started to come to the balcony, Arun took his sword out and shouted, fight the evil and become free. That moment every single villager picked up their arrows, bows and swords out. The king started to go back to his room but Arun jumped and started to fight. The head general came in action, took his sword out and came to fight with Arun. But that very second Sarthak came and fought left and a right with the general. The villagers and the king?s men fought for a long time. Both the sides lost men. The 3 villagers who were going to be hanged took the ropes off their necks. Picked up the swords and started to fight. The general who Sarthak was fighting was killed. The fight was almost finished, the villagers were still alive but the men and the generals which belonged to the king were all dead.

All the villagers who were alive stood at the last moment for the king. Arun said evil never lives and put the sword through the king?s neck. Arun and some more villagers were injured but they didn?t feel the pain because a big problem was solved at last. The next day Arun, Sarthak and the villagers took over the castle and decided that the king would be Arun and the new head general would be Sarthak. Everybody shouted evil never lives and they started their new lives. In their new lives, Arun full filled their wants and used to see that no one would hurt any villager. So remember evil never lives.

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