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Me,myself,and I
(Sean L. Boddie)

To understand our World... Is to understand love and the foundation in which it stands on.
Trusting in God while were amongst men whom we do not and can not trust....
Praying to a god whom we can not see and some fo us prey upon man whom he sees everyday.
To live off the land is to nourish off of mother natures gifts to man.To live on the land is to murder
our environment with toxins and chemicals.Never once thinking of the future of the children and their
childrens children.How many end to our world will it take to understand our world???

To understand our world you must be a strong believer in God and his son whom he sacificed
for all our sins.During times of war and pain:stress and strain.In the first chapter in Genesis
it speaks on God taking a rib from man creating a woman.Our better half whom the most of us lust after.
The other half that raises young son's without a father making her the two for one in that childs life:boy or
girl.We beat and mistreat them and they sometimes still stay in our corners.Crowning her the queen of your life cause you call her mother,grandmother,or auntie.How many lifes will be torn while we
try with all our knowledge and wisdom to understand our world????

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