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Harry Potter Series
(J.K. Rowling)

This is the series of books that upon each new release, grips the nation with a frenzy that can only be labelled as fanatic. People all over the world camp outside stores waiting for them to open, or queue for hours upon the day of release, just to be one of the first to indulge in what will next happen to the budding wizard Harry, and his friends.
So what makes these books so special?
Well, the general story line, is three good friends who attend a school for witches and wizards - hogwarts. Yet at the same time, Harry Potter, Ron Weasly and Hermione Granger find themselves caught up in a battle between a very powerful dark wizard and his followers, and the rest of the wizarding community.
However, while the books are for some reason amazing, this idea of a school of magic is not exactly origional - remember series like the worst witch? And battles between good and evil, incorporated into wizarding form is also an idea of which too many authors if ruined. So maybe it's the writing style? Well, without offense to JK her ladyship, her writing style is nothing out of the ordinary. I think that it boils down to a number of small features.
The concept, although not origional, is written in a way that allows youth accross the regions to relate to - JK attempts to capture a real young persons life, but in a surreal situation. Also, the plot and storyline although nothing amazing, keeps us wondering what will happen next, and although her writing isn't the best ever seen, she allows us to get to know the characters so well, that we want to know what happens to them. It is almost as if we know them personally. Which is why, when a character we love dies, it affects us. Which is why when a character does something which we did not expect them to do, it shocks us. Which is why we read on - to find out what will happen to these characters.
This is a very odd series - not the way they are written, but the way they have captured the nation. I would reccommend them heartily.

Resumos Relacionados

- Harry Potter And Sorcerer's Stone

- Harry Potter & The Philosopher´s Stone

- Harry Potter & The Philosopher´s Stone

- Harry Potter

- Harry Potter And Philosopher's Stone

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