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Bhagvat Gita - The Essense Of Vedas
(originally written by Ved Vyas, Dr.Annie Besant)

I am writing this content on Bhagvat Gita - which literarily means Bhag (or Bhagvan or God) Vat (means from the mouth of) and Gita (meaning sung) or a detailed explaination given by Lord Krishna to his disciple and friend Arjuna in the battlefield but put in a poetic form for a simple lucid explaination to the people of the world by its composer Mahamuni Ved Vyas.
From the time civilisations started to take place man has started knowing the five elements that comprise his body viz the Pruthvi (earth), Aap (water), Tej (fire), Vayu (air) and Akash (atmosphere). However it is the sixth element;something mysterious which people call the Atman (the inner self) which is the cause of excitement,mysticism and anxiety to the man all over the Globe. It is the knowlege of this inner source or the Atman which is the main source of study and has lead to the evolution of religions all over the place.
Moreover man has always tried to know the duties of coming to Human life, his very reason for existance and to fill in that Vacant space in his life which makes him feel incomplete even when he has everything with him.
All this is written down in the poetic phases of Bhagvat Gita. It is a message given by God to us - through his favorate disciple Arjuna and explained very elaborately by the author.
Even if we consider that a person cannot be explained entire theology, mysticism and life in the middle of battlefield we can very well say that Bhagvat Gita is the best composition on How to Live an Ideal Life and get satisfaction in our working envorinment. It explains the presense of the Atman and shows the way of Enlightment...want me to continue????
Please let me know at
[email protected]

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- Srimad Bhagavad Gita ? A Great Science To Live Life.

- Bhagvat Gita- Chapter 1 Arjunavishadyoga

- Knowldge Of Bhagvad-gita

- Bhgavad Gita As It Is

- Bhagwad Gita

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