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Madame Bovary
(Gustave Flaubert)

The story begins in conlegio where a new student arrives:
Charles Bovary, who despues of a time decides to study
medicine although he was not very intelligent, knows vuida
that its breast presents/displays to him and they marry,
and also knows Emma, the daughter of one of his patients.
Her wife dies and Charles tries to marry with Emma, and
once it has the blessing of the father, the wedding becomes
reality. They are going away to live to the house of
Charles and Emma not this contented one with the life that
takes, since vivia like in the romanticos books which solia
not to read, Emma is put bad and Charles decides to change
itself, Emma this embarzada. They arrive at the new
population where Emma knows Leon, a lawyer assistant, who
starts off because not queria that the sin to love ema is
solidified, but Emma finds to donjuan with which it
deceives his husband for the first time, and a day this
sends to a letter warning to him that the one to him of
them debia to finish. Emma very badly puts, but months
despues recupea, and goes to you take care of it where it
is eeted again with Leon and solidify its impossible love.
The purchases of Emma hacian to lose much money to Charles
and separate tapeworm many debts, but it takes classes from
piano in the city which never she attends by encontar
itself with Leon. A day finds out that they are going to
him to finish off the house by his debts and commands to
call to Leon to help him, never it appears and she in her
desperation decides to take arsenico from the pharmacy of
her friend. She dies sadly and after that Charles finds
the letters that escrbia Emma to its lovers, also she dies
and her daughter remains to live in the house of a poor

Resumos Relacionados

- Madame Bovary

- Madame Bovary

- Madame Bovary

- Madame Bovary

- Emma

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