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The Destiny Of Source

We already know that only 2,5% of the planet water is good to human consume. Some environmentalists already presume that water will be ?the oil of 21st century?, fundamental to survival, therefore it will become expensive and precious to men. The good water for human consume is even scarcer. The unbridled consume of water and population increase are both worrying factors for researchers. They estimate that in 35 years we will be using all water our planet produces. Brazil has the most available water reservoir in the planet, thus all the world ?eyes? are upon us. Brazil?s water potential is a matter of nature privilege, not exactly the way we the citizens use it or care about it. Waste and contamination of rivers are a reality we should be warned of. Brazil conquers space and importance in the international scenario when the matter is ?water? due to its privilege condition and strategic situation. Our rivers represent 13% of world water volume what guarantees us a position of supremacy about future concern. We also have one of the biggest water reservoir of the world, the Guarani, an underground reservoir of which only 5% of its potential is used. Even though nature is in our side, it is important to know that the world has already transformed water in a luxurious product. Water exportation among countries is already a reality. The USA and Mexico, for instance, import water from Canada in order to supply their desert regions. It is fundamental that each brazilian citizen know about world water destiny so that Brazil keeps its privilege position nature has given it, and maybe our country can even become a source of life in Earth.

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